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Click here for session type descriptions and  tuition rates.


Problematic behaviors are best addressed in context.  Our interactive and individualized sessions begin with in-home work with in-person training or video call instruction. After in-home goals are achieved, instruction may continue in other contexts as appropriate and desired. PHD has specially-trained teacher dogs who may be part of lessons taught outside of the client's home.  In-person sessions may be individual or small group, depending on the learning objectives. All sessions are interactive and emphasize hands-on learning for our human clients.  


PHD will help you to identify healthy alternative behaviors to replace problematic ones, and will guide your dog towards achieving this gently and effectively.


BEHAVIORS REHABILITATED INCLUDE:  separation anxiety; incessant barking, reactivity to dogs, humans or other animals;  mouthing, nipping and/or biting; jumping up or tripping people; pulling and/or lunging on the walk; inappropriate chewing or digging; resource guarding and/or other types of possessive behavior; in-fighting in the pack; inappropriate play behaviors; inattentiveness and selective obedience; fearful or aggressive behaviors; and hyperactivity. 

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